b. Awareness Through Movement® Intensive: Seeking Pure Feldenkrais®--A Study of Non-violence in Movement (2024) ![]() Taught by Jeff Haller and Roger Russell The genius of Dr. Feldenkrais’s work is that it undermines the notion of struggle as a means for change. He understood that change emerges through internal listening and self-discovery. Force will not change our behavior for the better—profound new experiences will. Appropriate to our tumultuous times, these Awareness Through Movement lessons explore how often exertion, force and will pervades our actions. Perhaps the greatest violence we perpetrate against ourselves is found in judgmental thoughts that deny us the joy of simplicity and ease. This year’s workshop is devoted to caring for yourself through a nourishing quality of listening and attention. Refine your self-awareness, as you learn to act with consummate skill, robust self-confidence, and a deeper connection with other human beings. The week interweaves ATM lessons and several short talks that explore the fundamental principles of the Feldenkrais Method.
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