Andrew Gibbons, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner Jeff Haller's teaching is essential for every Feldenkrais Practitioner and for anyone wanting a more peaceful and productive life. As a former Director and Faculty Practitioner of the Feldenkrais Institute of NY, I've had the pleasure of meeting and learning from many of the top Feldenkrais Trainers in the world, and Jeff is simply in his own category of clarity, precision and dedication. No one understands how to get support from the ground better than Jeff. He is the rare trainer who has used his long experience with the Method to work on himself to the point of actually embodying and living the principles he teaches, and this makes an enormous difference for his students.
Since studying with Jeff, the results I've produced with clients have been both substantially and consistently better, and they have let me know this. I've gone from being an enthusiastic and diligent practitioner who studied ATMs and strove to "do better" with my clients, to being a teacher far more in command of the wide possibilities of this work as well as the specific distinctions and skill sets necessary to help my clients functionally improve and take responsibility for their health. I'm more adept at observing and prioritizing with my clients, and I can engage them much more directly and safely to develop a daily practice that is both specific and in their own best interest. I'm also much more creative and resourceful in the face of the blind alleys, dead-ends and moments of frustration and fear that we all face in our practice. And I enjoy my work more than ever.
Jeff is an inspiring and invaluable partner for anyone wanting to learn, teach, create and grow with this work. |
One of many . |